Monday, December 16, 2019

Winning Interview Questions to Ask a Job Interviewee

Winning Interview Questions to Ask a Job IntervieweeWinning Interview Questions to Ask a Job IntervieweeIts time to fill that vacancy on yur team and the pressure is on to find a professional who personifies the key qualities you need. But how can you determine that from just an interview?What matters are the questions you ask. Here are 15 questions to ask interviewees that will give you insight into a candidates skill level and demeanor, so you can feel confident in your decision.1. What do you know about our company, and why do you want to work here?Youd think with the easy access to information online today, most candidates would do their homework, but thats elend always the case. Some applicants may not even know what type of business the company engages in. Ask this interview question and youll find out quickly who is sincerely interested in working for you - and who isnt.2. What skills and strengths can you bring to this ort? Did the interviewee blindly apply to your opening o r did they consider how they match your needs? This question can help you find out. Applicants should be able to think critically about how their abilities will benefit your team.3. Can you tell me about your current job?This is a great interview question to evaluate communication skills, while gaining insights into an individuals background that goes beyond the resume.Having trouble finding qualified job candidates? We can helpSTART HIRING4. What could your current company do to be mora successful? This inquiry can give you a sense of whether interviewees landsee the big picture at their organizations. It may also reveal why they really want to leave their current jobs.5. Can you tell me about a time when you had a disagreement with a boss or colleague and how you handled the situation? This is one of the more valuable questions to ask interviewees because youll get a sense of their conflict resolution abilities, personality and potential for future problems. What tone does the per son use when talking about the other people involved? Were they able to handle the situation described appropriately? Did they find common ground? Emotional intelligence is keenly needed in almost every job.6. Do you work best alone or on a team? What kind of work will the candidate be performing if theyre selected for the position? This question helps determine if theyre suited to the types of assignments theyll receive. Someone who enjoys solitary work and long stretches of uninterrupted time at their desk may not thrive in a position that requires collaboration or multi-tasking.7. Why are you leaving your current job? Does your job opportunityprovide an alternative to the factors (lack of professional development, management problems, etc.) that made them unhappy in their current role? If so, showcase those benefits. But keep an eye out for candidates with unrealistic expectations, and bear in mind that an employee who leaves an organization for petty reasons may not be a good lo ng-term fit for you.8. Whats your ideal work environment? Asking interviewees this question can help determine whether or not theyll flourish at your company. If your office has an open floor plan, for example, a candidate who prefers a private workspace may not be the best fit the reverse is also true.9. How would your coworkers describe you? This is another question that can help predict how an interviewee will work with the other members of your team. Understand the personalities of your current staff members and be on the lookout for a candidate who will complement those. For example, Type A employees may thrive with an assertive new team member, while this may prove challenging for quiet, introverted employees.10. How would your boss describe you? This may give you a sense of the candidates relationship with previous managers. Reliable? Prompt? Efficient? Keep in mind, though, who youre asking. The answer will be simply their opinion of what the boss might have said. Thats why its still critical to check references. Request a list of contacts and give former employers a call to hear how their impressions align with the candidates.11. Where do you see yourself in five years? A candidate who has professional drive and career aspirations is valuable. Look for someone who is engaged in their career and has clear goals, and consider mentioning how your organization can help them achieve those objectives. Finding a prospect who is interested in career advancement and sees opportunity with your company increases the chances that theyll be happy in the long run.12. Can you describe how you handle tight deadlines? Does your team frequently face challenging time constraints? Do you need someone who can work quickly and accurately while under pressure? Ask this question and youll at least get their opinion as to how they handle stress and whether they can keep up with the pace of work at your organization. You could also follow up by asking if theyve ever missed a d eadline and, if so, how they handled the situation.13. In your most recent role, was there a time when you had to overcome a significant challenge? Use this question to get a sense of an interviewees critical thinking and analytical skills. You should also pay attention to how the candidate describes their behavior when faced with a challenge. Did they struggle or did they come up with an action plan and see it through?14. Whats the most interesting project youve worked on in a past position? Ask this question to determine if the applicant would enjoy the work available at your company. Do the types of tasks they find fulfilling align with the job description for your position? Making sure employees find their work professionally satisfying is one of the most important factors in retention.15. Do you have any questions for me? If interviewees have been paying attention during the discussion, they shouldnt find this to be a tough interview question. So theres no excuse for a blank st are in response.Before youve found your ideal candidate, make sure you know what salary to offer. Our Salary Guide lets you adjust salaries for your specific city.

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